The Accountancy | HMRC Investigations and Compliance Checks

HMRC Investigations and Compliance Checks

HMRC Investigations and Compliance Checks

HMRC are a powerful body throughout the UK, capable of investigating or compliance checking companies for a variety of reasons. Often these checks are completely random and will be undertaken for no specified reason.

However, there are also times that HMRC will begin this investigations and checks because they suspect a possible tax fraud. This includes checks because:

  • They believe you have incorrectly filled out your tax return (this is not always deliberate)
  • They have received information that you have been filing your tax incorrectly
  • You have failed to complete any tax returns

Regardless of what reason they have to begin investigations, HMRC do not need to provide you with a reason and this can be a daunting prospect.

What will happen during the investigation?

Essentially these checks will involve a visit from an HMRC representative. They will ask to look through your financial records to calculate the tax that should have been billed to you and will then run through your tax returns to ensure that they have been filled in accurately. It is important to cooperate fully with HMRC at all stages, as this will help them come to a quick conclusion.

What if they find that your tax return is incorrect?

One thing to remember during any HMRC visit is to be completely honest with the HMRC officers, if there is an issue then they are going to pick up on it and failure to calculate your tax incorrectly, even innocently, can land you with severe penalties.


How can we help you?

As experts in HMRC investigations and compliance checks, we are able to assist you through a number of stages of the process. Once you receive notification of their intention to investigate you then we suggest you get in touch with us and ask for guidance.

However, if you do decide against this and find yourself in difficulty at any point throughout the investigation, then you can ask for our expert guidance.

Best of all, hiring an accountant can mean that your tax returns are always completed accurately and with the right information. In doing this you can avoid any investigations for fraud, and if HMRC do decide to complete a random compliance check on you, then you can rest assured that everything is in order.