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Leads for Accountants in Practice

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Leads for Accountants in Practice

Accountancy is a busy industry with plenty of competition. This means that if you are an accountant then you need to make sure that you get as many customers as possible. Leads for accountants must be one of the best ways to secure more business. But how do you find these paid leads or online accounting and tax leads?

To help you along the way, we have put together a quick guide on to how to find better-paid leads and make sure that your accountancy business is the success that you want it to be. Best of all, with all business budgets stretched, these ideas won’t break the bank for you either.

Offer something for free

It used to be that marketing was more about pulling people to you, but now it is geared more to you giving something to your audience. Online marketing is key when it comes to generating leads. Whether that is email marketing, social media or perhaps content marketing. But these need to offer value to work.

Giving something away is a great way to generate leads without having to spend out on paid leads. This doesn’t have to be something physical, it can be a report, a guide or simply a tool. These are the things that your customers will value, and they will remember the help that they received from you when they need something else, and this time they will be happy to pay for it.

Give networking a go

There is a reason why LinkedIn is known to be the social media network for professionals. It is a place that professionals of all types can come together, which means that it is great for finding leads. The great thing about having an accountancy business is that plenty of people will need. There is no set industry that you need to focus on, although, of course, there may be one that you specialize in.

You need to start by setting up your own profile, promoting what you can do and presenting yourself in the best light. Once this is done, you can move on to try and connect with people around you. You need to remember that quality is always more important that quantity, and you should aim to find people that you will be able to cultivate a meaningful business relationship with.

Have a mailing list

Mailing lists are a great way to promote your business and try to generate some leads. You should always make sure that you target these to people that you think will want to use your services, otherwise, you could be a bit of a pest. A great way to approach any mailings on that list is by following the first tip.

Send something of value and use out of this list, and they are sure to see you as an expert and someone who they want to do business with.

Of course, sometimes, despite your best efforts the leads you want are just not happening. This is where you may need to reach into your own budget and allocate some funds to paid leads or online tax leads. These don’t always have to cost the Earth, and they could have the impact that your business really needs!

The Accountancy Network; A Lead Generation Website

Simple solution for accountants by creative people; join The Accountancy Network and have qualified leads as they come in. We will make sure all the contact information is correct and leads will be allocated to only one accountant for the first five days before advertising again on the website.

Still unsure; send us an email and we will get back to you

By | 2017-07-05T13:19:46+00:00 July 5th, 2017|Accountants|0 Comments

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