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    Complete Guide to Bookkeeping

    Starting a new business is a huge venture, with much to consider and organize. It would be hardly surprising therefore if bookkeeping isn’t an immediate priority. However, although the day to day running of your newly formed business may be all-consuming, it’s important to think about the practicalities of bookkeeping sooner rather than later. If [...]

    By | 2017-10-13T09:12:57+00:00 October 13th, 2017|Accountants|0 Comments

      Private Residence Relief | Capital Gains Tax

      Summary The appellants' chargeable gain on the disposal of their principal private residence was reduced due to a larger 'permitted area', but a part of the gain also arose due to ownership seven years before occupation. Background The appellants  (husband and wife)  bought land for £11,000 in July 1987. At that time, the only buildings [...]

      By | 2017-09-12T16:08:57+00:00 September 12th, 2017|Tax Cases|0 Comments

        How to calculate Dividend Tax

        Dividends are a special case when it comes to tax and has their own rates and rules. The dividend tax was radically reformed from 6 April 2016 and the rules outlined below apply to a dividend paid on or after that date. Dividend income The first step to working out the tax on dividend income [...]

        By | 2017-09-07T10:08:13+00:00 September 7th, 2017|Accountants|0 Comments

          VAT Value Of Consideration

          VAT Value Of Consideration  Were Overpayments Of Parking Charges Voluntary Payments And Outside The Scope Of VAT Or Additional Consideration For The Supply Of Parking? National Car Parks (NCP} appealed to the Upper Tribunal from the FTT regarding pay and display car parks with machines that accept payment in cash. Where customers do not have [...]

          By | 2017-08-22T09:35:41+00:00 August 22nd, 2017|Tax Cases|0 Comments

            VAT Welfare Exemption | A CASE LAW

            VAT Welfare Exemption: Was The Appellant 'State Regulated' And Was EU Law Correctly Implemented Into UK Law, And If Not Did EU Law Have Direct Effect? Summary The appellant believed that its supplies were exempt under VAT Welfare Exemption as welfare services and applied to de-register for VAT. HMRC refused the application for de-registration on [...]

            By | 2017-08-20T13:27:29+00:00 August 20th, 2017|Tax Cases|0 Comments

              Late Filing Penalties | Cancelled For Appellant Who Had Been In Prison

              The appellant's appeal against penalties (under FA 2009, Sch 55) for the late filing of his tax return for 2010/11 was allowed, as the assessment by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) of daily penalties was invalid, and as his imprisonment constituted a reasonable excuse against the fixed, six-month, and twelve-month late filing penalties. Background HMRC [...]

              By | 2017-08-18T10:35:16+00:00 August 18th, 2017|Tax Cases|0 Comments

                Inheritance Tax | An Accountant’s Overview

                Inheritance tax concerns the taxes that will be legally due on all of the applicable assets when a person dies. The tax procedures can be very complicated, which is why many people opt to appoint tax accountants to take care of the finer points that will be concerned with their inheritance tax. Generally, inheritance tax [...]

                By | 2017-07-28T12:53:10+00:00 July 28th, 2017|HMRC Tax Campaigns|0 Comments